Welcome to Hapa & Haole's Maui Adventures 2011

These are the Maui Adventures of Randy (Hapa - say Ha Pa) & Janet (Haole- say How-Oh-Leh). 

Haole has been keeping a Journal of our travels ever since Hapa met Haole (from the beginning).  A while back Hapa looked at the written Journal Haole had been keeping and realized that Haole's stories would make a great website for family and friends to read our adventures (Better than sitting through hours of picture viewing, or home movies, huh ?).  This way we can make you feel like you are part of our Adventures as well, but not so close to make us rent a bigger car for our vacation. Also Hapa & Haole don't have to worry about what we look like in the morning.  Hapa also doesn't have to worry about making breakfast for all of our 'Friends'. 

The Journal is all Haole, except where Hapa has inserted his 2 cents worth (just to keep Haole honest).

We started keeping our Journal online ever since we went to
Kauai in 2001 (Hapa + Haole @ Lawai). 
Check it out for a trip down memory lane, or for our other trips Click Here.


Go to Day 1

Copyright © 2011, Polihale Consulting Ltd.