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Welcome to Day 11 of Janet and Randy's Kauai Adventure 2014

Sunday, November 16th, 2014

Woke up around 7:00am.  It had cooled off some more during the night, which was nice.  Randy went for a run, while I caught up on the travel journal as I was too tired (lazy) to do the night before.

Randy at Baby BeachHad breakfast when Randy came back from his run.  We showered up and headed into Lihue to do some shopping.  I found a couple of tops at Macy's and then we went for lunch.  We were going to go to Garden Island BBQ, but it wasn't open on Sundays (D'oh!).  So, we went back to Hamura's for some more saimin. Hamura's is never disappointing.

Then we came back to the resort for an afternoon nap.  Afterwards, we went for a little walk around the neighbourhood and came across a little beach (Baby Beach) that we hadn't been to before..  It was a clear night, so we went across the street to watch the sunset again, taking some vodka and guava juice drinks with us. (we finally got smart about this)

For supper, we went to the Kukuiula shops.  We ended up eating supper at Tortilla Republic.  We weren't in the mood for Mexican food, so I had a crispy chicken sandwich and Randy had a burger.  We in the mood for a Mai Tai, but the Tortilla Republic only had something called a Hula Tai - which was their version of a Mai Tai.  It had spiced rum instead of dark rum, and also had a macadamia nut liquor - so it wasn't a true Mai Tai.  But we thought we would give it a try anyway.  Bad mistake.  It was horrible (there are just some flavours that were not meant to be combined - congratulations Tortilla Republic, you found them).  We only drank it because we knew we would have to pay for it.  But every time I took a drink it was not good (grimacing sour face).  It helped to make me drunker, that's all I can say about that.

After supper, we went back to the resort and hung out.  I was too tired (drunk) to work on the journal, so I just went to bed.

Surf on over to Day 2 Hula on back


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