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Welcome to Day 13 of Janet and Randy's Kauai Adventure 2014

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Woke up to overcast skies.  Randy went for a run, and then we had breakfast when he got back.  We decided to head west to see if we could find some sun.

On the way, we stopped at the Hawaiian Trading Post just outside of Kalaheo.  In the past, Randy has found some cool puka shell necklaces (real puka shells, not shells that have had holes drilled in them).  We found this one puka necklace with a sunrise shell that was really nice.  It was expensive, but I told Randy to go ahead and get it, otherwise he would regret it later.  I love it !

We continued on to Waimea and stopped at the Aunty Lilikoi factory.  They make wonderful sauces, dressings and mustards.  So, we bought some to bring back home, so that we could have a wee bit of Aloha warmth during the cold winter ahead.  Then it was off to the Shrimp Station for some lunch.

We ordered a plate of coconut shrimp and a plate of garlic butter shrimp.  They were both delicious, but Randy especially liked the butter garlic shrimp.  It had a thick creamy sauce that was almost sinful in how good it was.  Finger-licking good, in fact. Buttery-garlic deliciousness !

Dinner at Harold and Lil'sAfter lunch, we drove back to the resort. After such a 'busy' morning, we decided we needed a nap.  Once we had rested up a bit, we headed to the nearby Sheraton beach to play in the waves.  The ocean was quite calm and so there weren't the normal body surfing waves.  Instead we were able to just hang out in the water and gently bob up and down with the little waves that came in. 

Around 4:00pm, we headed back to the room and rinsed off.  Randy's parents had invited us over for dinner at their condo.  We went over for drinks around 5:00pm and sat out on the balcony to watch the sunset.  Harold and Lil had picked up the ingredients to make Mai Tais, so we relaxed with the drinks for a while.  Lil made a macadamia encrusted salmon, so Randy and Harold went down to the barbecue to cook it, while Lil and I prepared the pasta and salad to go with it. 

The meal was delicious, and the Mai Tais were quite strong, so I was tipsy after just 2 drinks.  We had a good visit and stayed until 10:00pm (past my bedtime!).  When we got back to our room, we watched TV for a bit, and then I went to bed.  All this drinking makes a person tired, you know!


Surf on over to Day 2 Hula on back


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